Houdini’s Voice Recorded 100 years ago today

100 years ago today, a recording of Harry Houdini introducing his famous Water Torture Cell was made using a Thomas Edison wax cylinder, the earliest commercial medium for recording and reproducing sound. David Copperfield now owns the cylinder. Houdini, Edison and Copperfield – three of the biggest influences in my life combined in one story. Pretty cool. ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎innovation‬

Magic Capital of the World documentary

Michael Mode was recently featured in a documentary about the small Michigan town of Colon, Michigan. Colon is the Magic Capital of the World and home to Abbott’s Magic Company, which hosts their international Magic Get Together each August. Michael’s mom first took him to his first Get Together when he was just 13-years-old and it quickly became his favorite week of the year.